February 10th - February 15th, 2010 Berkat Liwayne Tours in Sulawesi appointed to Vacation Indonesia Tours or VIT Tours to guiding his 4 Canadian Birders...
Thanks for going with Vacation Indonesia Tours (VIT) Sigmar (sbg_kock@yahoo.com and Anja (Dutch Birders) arrived in Lore Lindu National Park in Oct 17, 2009 then...
BirdLife Denmark are now going Home, Good Bye and See You Next Time
DOF (Dansk Ornithology Forening) a Birdlife organisation in Denmark today Sunday November 2009 at 13.30 departed to Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali for going home...
Birding in Lore Lindu and Dumoga Bone NP in Sulawesi
October 17 - 24, 2009 Thanks for going with Vacation Indonesia Tours (VIT) Sigmar (sbg_kock@yahoo.com and Anja (Dutch Birders) arrived in Lore Lindu Oct 17,...