Gunung Kerinci and Sumatera Birding Tours

Birding Period : August 2nd to 12th , 2019
Participants : Mr Richard Michael Holroide and Mr Peter Alexander Crane (Australian)
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Ali Munthaha, Pak Subandi and Budi
Office Escort : Ali Munthaha and Aderiski Sarwenda

Ali Munthaha and Aderiski Sarwenda or Wenda met the clients Mr Richard Holroyde and his friend Mr Peter Crane in the airport of Jakarta. After met the clients then fly to Padang on West Sumatera. They overnight at Ammaris Hotel in Padang. The next day overland about 8 hours to Kersik Tuo. On August 3rd, 2019 then drive to Kersik Tuo, arrive in the Kersik Tuo then overnight at pak Subandi’s house. Birding on Gunung Kerinci for 3 days then move to Sungai Penuh then overnight at Kerinci Hotel. From here birding on Tapan road begin. On August 9 then drive back return to Padang. Arrive in Padang overnight at the same hotel, Ammaris Hotel in Padang Morning of August 10 fllew to Lampung via Jakarta then continue to Waykambas National Park 1,5 hours drive from Lampung. On August 12th flew to Jakarta by Garuda then continue flight home to Australia.

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