Gunung Halimun and Gunung Gede Pangrango NP, and Muara Gembong/Muara Angke Jakarta Bay Birdwatching Tour

Birding Period : July 5th t0 12th, 2023
Participants : Mark Philippart and Shu Yin Yu
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Waskito Kukuh Wibowo and Adun Bahrum
Office Escort : Ali Munthaha

Ali Munthaha  and Waskito Kukuh Wibowo met the clients in the Cengkareng International airport of Jakarta on July 5th, 2023 then drive to Gunung Halimun Salak. Arrived on Halimun National park then transfer to Citalahap Homestay. Night birding on Gunung Halimun.

After 3 days birding on Gunung Halimun Salak then drive to Gunung Gede then transfer to Grand Aston Puncak in Cibodas. The next day July 9th, 2023 then birding on Gunung Gede. On July 11 then drive to Bekasi then transfer to Aston Imperial Bekasi. The next day early in the morning then birding on Muara Angke. After lunch then drive to the airport for the next destination

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