Tour Period : April 21 - 23, 2017
Participants : 2 Pax’s
VIT’s Local Guide : Fuad Pungky
Office Escort : Fuad Pungky

Mr Wouter Reinier and his friend Kicky from The Netherlands have a short tours to Lore Lindu National park. The destination is Besoa Valleys where you can found many type of megalith spread over the valley. If you are have visit this megalith sites it does mean you have seen the megalith culture about 5000 years B.C. Here you can see the Megalith Stone Statues, Cylindrical Stone Vats and still many types you can enjoy anchient Culture of Megalithicum time. The three important sites of Megalith on Besoa valley are the Pokekea, Tadulako and Lempe.

Tour Period : January 15th - 28th, 2017
Participants : 2 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Nurlin Djuni

Sulawesi is one of the most popular birding tours in Indonesia. So many things to do in Sulawesi such as Birdwatching, Trekking/Hiking, Wildlife, etc.The VIT Tours schedulled Austrian Birders Regina Melzer and DR.Kyu Rudolf Sperling for Sulawesi Tours. Flight from Jakarta by Lion Air on January 15th but it was reschedulled the next day January16th. Arrived in Manado met by Nurlin Djuni then directly drive to Tangkoko Nature Reserve. Birding on Tangkoko for 3 days then flight to Palu by wings Air January 19th. Arrived in Palu then drive to Lore Lindu National Park. Birding on Tambing lake and also at Anaso track for the higland species.The clients overnight at Shendy lodge until 21th then 22nd drive to Besoa valley for birding and megalith tours. January 23rd then continue trekking to Bada Valley for birding and trekking. The clients overnight in the Camp and enjoy the chilli nights in the jungle. The next day then continue to Bada valley. Arrive in Bada valley then overnight at Ningsih Losmen at Bomba village of Bada Valley. In Bada valley the clients visit the megalith sites such as the Palindo stone statue about 5000 years B.C, and the Loga statue on Pada hill. In Bada valley the clients visit the local people who make a bark-clotes, a local traditional home industry. This bark clothes is able to make wallet, jacket, etc but the bark-clothes usually use for a traditional ceremony of the Lore tribe on Bada valley. On the way back to Palu, we met to guides in Tentena, Dina Sawuwu, Debby Toripalu, Daniel Araro and Delina Panontongan. On January 26 drive about 8 hours to To Prince John Dive Resort, Donggala, Central Sulawesi.  In Tanjung Karang, Donggala we met local guides Kasman and Yusuf in Natural Cotages. Clients are very happy on this resort. January 28 the clients flight to Jakarta by Lion Air.

The Birds Species have been seen during the trip as follows:

1. White-winged Tern
2. Whiskered Tern
3. Glossy Ibis
4. Purple Heron
5. Little Egret
6. Intermediate Egret
7. Eastern Cattle Egret
8. Pacific Reef Egret
9. Javan Pond-heron
10. Striated Heron
11. Barred Honey-buzzard
12. Brahminy Kite
13. White-bellied Sea-eagle
14. Spotted Harrier
15. Sulawesi Serpent Eagle
16. Sulawesi Hawk-eagle
17. Sulawesi Goshawk
18. Spotted Kestrel
19. Oriental Hobby
20. Wandering Whistling-duck
21. Barred Button-quail
22. Tabon Scrubfowl
23. Barred Rail
24. Buff-banded Rail
25. Grey-tailed Tattler
26. Wood Sandpiper
27. Common Sandpiper
28. Whimbrel
29. Sulawesi Black Pigeon
30. Spotted Dove
31. Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
32. Slender-billed Cuckoo-dove
33. Stephan's Dove
34. Green Imperial Pigeon
35. White-bellied Imperial Pigeon
36. Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon
37. Pied Imperial Pigeon
38. Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon
39. Pink-necked Green Pigeon
40. Red-eared Fruit-dove
41. Black-naped Fruit-dove
42. Western Superb Fruit-dove
43. Ornate Lorikeet
44. Yellow-and-green Lorikeet
45. Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail
46. Golden-mantled Racquet-tail
47. Sulawesi Pygmy Hanging Parrot
48. Plantive Cuckoo
49. Gould's Bronze Cuckoo
50. Yellow-billed Malkoha
51. Bay Coucal
52. Minahasa Masked Owl
53. Sulawesi Scops-owl
54. Ochre-bellied Boobook
55. Satanic Nightjar
56. Sulawesi Nightjar
57. Grey-rumped Tree-swift
58. Sulawesi Swiftlet
59. Glossy Swiftlet
60. Asian Palm-swift
61. Green-backed Kingfisher
62. Great-billed Kingfisher
63. Lilac Kingfisher
64. Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher
65. Collared Kingfisher
66. Common Kingfisher
67. Ruddy Kingfisher
68. Sulawesi Hornbill
69. Knobbed Hornbill
70. Oriental Dollarbird
71. Purple-winged Roller
72. Blue-tailed Bee-eater
73. Ashy Woodpecker
74. Sulawesi Pygmy Woodpecker
75. Eastern Grey Wagtail
76. Pacific Swallow
77. Barn Swallow
78. Cerulean Cuckoo-shrike
79. White-rumped Cuckoo-shrike
80. Sulawesi Cicadabird
81. Sulawesi Triller
82. Hair-crested Drongo
83. Sulawesi Drongo
84. Malia
85. Sooty-headed Bulbul
86. Black-naped Oriole
87. Slender-billed Crow
88. Pied Bush-chat
89. Sulawesi Babbler
90. Red-backed Thrush
91. Sulawesi Thrush
92. Chestnut-backed Bush-warbler
93. Golden-headed Cisticola
94. Sulawesi Leaf-warbler
94. Mountain Tailorbird
96. Mountain White-eye
97. Black-fronted White-eye
98. Lemon-bellied White-eye
99. Blue-fronted Blue Flycatcher
100. Sulawesi Streaked Flycatcher
101. Island verditer Flycatcher
102. Citrine Flycatcher
103. Snowy-browed Flycatcher
104. Pale Blue Monarch
105. Rusty-bellied Fantail
106. Yellow-vented Whistler
107. White-breasted Woodswallow
108. Ivory-backed Woodswallow
109. Fiery-browed Starling
110. Finch-billed Myna
111. Sulawesi Myn
112. Short-tailed Starling
113. Glossy Starling
114. Sulawesi Myna
115. Lesser Sulawesi Honeyeater
116. Greater Sulawesi Honeyeater
117. Sulawesi Myzomela
118. Olive-backed Sunbird
119. Yellow-sided Flowerpecker
120. Grey-sided Flowerpecker
121. Chestnut Munia
122. Black-faced Munia
123. Pale-headed Munia
124. Indonesian Serin
125. Eurasian Tree-sparrow

Tour Period : Sept 25th - October 2nd, 2016
Participants : 1 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Yudi on Bali and Freddy On Sumba
Office Escort : Darwin Sumang

Birding on Bali and Sumba (a part of Lesser Sundas) was started on September 25, 2017. I met James wittenberger in Ngurah Rai Airport of Bali then he went to have a short snorkeling on Bali Dolphin Nusa Dua for about 1,5 hours then proceed our journey to Bali Barat National Park and stop at Jimbaran for lunch. After lunch then continue driving to another 4 hours to Pemuteran and we stay at Jubawa Homestay for 3 nights. The Jubawa homestay have pool, free wifi and meals family style. It's so easy to organise meals every day just you call to ibu Juli the owner of this homestay will provided a suitable tasty meals. Ibu Juli phone number +6285238936951. About birding we met our guide Kt Wahyudi a professional bird guide on Bali. He basically a bird spotter and know where the birds are because he and his bird team always survey the bird spot i.e, bali sterling, javan kingfisher, black-winged staerling, blue eared kingfisher, sundas scops owl, green jungle fowl, etc. Made Surya is a native of Blimbing Sari village Kecamatan Melaya Kabupaten Jembrana - Bali Barat. After doing bali barat birding tours then return to Denpasar ans drive about almost 5 hours because of a traffic jam on the way. Arrive in Denpasar then overnight at hotel Puri Saron. This is a comfortable hotel and the staffs are friendly. This hotel have the ATM and easy to organise meals. You can take your dinner or lunch in the hotel or you can go out for dinner or lunch depend on your wish. This hotel is a mid-range so convinient to your birders. The Sept 29 we flew to Umbu Mehang Kunda the airport of  Waingapu eastern of Sumba. We met Freddy in the airport then have a have a nice lunch on the hill, freddy's villa and resto, just 20 minutes from the airport. In this villa no telephone service but have a beautiful scenary to view, and is the only nice place to stay in Waingapu. After lunch then we proceed another 1,5 hours to Lewa village and overnight at pak John Homestay, basic but have toilets out side of the room, easy to organise meals very on time. At the first arrival birding on km 52 then the next day Sept 30 freddy guiding Jim, a pref name of James to Langgaliru National park and saw such as sumba jungle flycatcher, sumba hornbill, greater sumba boobook, cinnamon banded kingfisher, marigold lorekeet, etc. On October 1, we return to Waingapu and overnight at freddy's villa. The next day 2 October we fly to Denpasar by wings air and Jim continue to Makassar for his flight to Sorong. by Garuda.

Birding Period : 16 - 18 September 2016
Participants : 4 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Yudi and Made Surya
Office Escort : Darwin Sumang

This trip was done with 4 pax participants from the US Forest Service, Michael Goldstein, Eric Hoenig, Sanjay and Herityas Wiyoga. They just want to check the Alutian Tern (Shore Bird) in Western Bali National Park. We starting from Seminyak, Royal Beach Hotel, drive to a 4 hours via Negara. On the way birding Arrive in Bali Barat in the afternoon directly birding to Blimbing Sari Village, Melaya, Jembrana. We saw sunda scope owl in the daylight, blue eared kingfisher, they overnight in Menjangan Resort for 2 nights. On the 17 Sept they birding on Gilimanuk bay and saw lesser adjuntant, alutian tern. On Sept 18th morning drive back to the airport for the flight to Jakarta and continue to Sunda strait.

Tour Period : Sept 11 - 15, 2016
Participants : 2 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Yudi and Made Surya
Office Escort : Nyoman Begeh

The 2 Clents from New Zealand (Gloria Shrubsall and friend) were doing the birding on Bali Barat Np starting from Ubud early in the at 5am drive to Bali Barat NP. Arrive in Bali Barat NP then overnight at Jubawa Homestay at Pemuteran. They seen the Bali Sterling, Javan kingfisher, Sundas scops owl, etc then 13 september drive to Eatern Java via Gilimanuk by ferry. Arrive in Eastern Java overnight at Watudodol. Birding on Baluran National park for seeing the peacock. After birding Eastern Java then return to Bali Barat and also on the way back they visited 3 lakes in Bali; Beratan, Tamblingan and Buyan.

Birding Period : Sept 11 - 17, 2016
Participants : 1 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris and Sam Ungke
Office Escort : Darwin Sumang

Solo American birder, Todd Hull who live in Korea visited Sulawesi for a short birdwatching in Lore Lindu, Dumoga Bone and Tangkoko. Depart from Bali to Palu by Lion Air via Makassar then drive about 2,5 hours to Shendy Lodge. Before doing Lore Lindu he stop for birding in Oloboju, he saw savannah night jar, pale headed munia, grey-sided flower pecker, crimson sunbird, white-shoulered thriller, spotted dove, blue-tailed bee eater, lemon-bellied white eye, lesser coucal. After having a short birding then continue drive to Napu valley, he stay in Shendy lodge. The next day he birding in Lore Lindu and saw Sulawesi cicada birds, Sulawesi blue flycatcer, blue fronted flycather, puple-bearded bee eater, Heinrich Night jar, Sulawesi scope owl in the day light, etc. For more info you can contact him  On Sept  14th he flew to Manado via Makassar then directly to Dumoga Bone for 1 night stay, guided by Sam Ungke with Albert and Anne. He can’t see the Maleo because in Tambun Forest where the maleo found was being building a project so the maleo can not appear. After Dumoga  then return to Manado then continue to Tangkoko, he saw purple winged-roller, red-backed thrush, red - knobbed hornbill, Sulawesi babler, etc. He was birding in Tangkoko for 1 day then return to Manado. He overnight at Elfah Hotel Manado, the closes hotel from the Samaratulangi Airport of Manado just 15 minutes from the Hotel. Darwin Sumang flight with him 13 sept Palu to Manado and Darwin continue his flight to Bali for meeting another client from the US Forest service.

Trekking Period : 10 - 12 August, 2016
Participants : 4 Pax
VIT’s Local Guide : Adri F. Boka
Office Escort : Heru Prasetyawan

The Russian tourist family, Sergev, Stella and Catherina visiting Lore Lindu National park for a trekking to see Megalith Stone Statues at Pokekea Megalith sites. The trip starting from Palu on August 10, guided by Adri Boka. This is a short trip but the clients are very happy to see local people and the Lore culture. The group drive to Doda about 5 hours then trekking to see the megalith in Besoa Valley. They return to Palu 12 Sept then overnight in Palu. The next day they fly to Jakarta for their next destination in Indonesia.

Tour Period : 06 - 23 August 2016
Participants : 8 Pax + 1 Tour Leader
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris, Allin Muldaur
Office Escort : Ali Munthaha

The Rockjumper Birding Tours come Sulawesi and Halmahera 6 to 23 August 2016, starting point Makassar and Ending Point in Manado. The clients: Martin Barry, Catherine Barry, David Pearson, Charles Babbitt, Caroline Coleman, Gillian Havard, Alys Rose, Peter Gilchrist, David Erterius. VIT tours met all the clients in the airport of Sultan Hasanuddin in Makassar. The first birding 6 August afternoon to Pattene fo a pale bellied myna about 35 minutes from the Dalton Hotel in Makassar. The next day before departure to Makasar the group visit the Karaenta Forest for the black-ringed white eye, sulawesi dwarf  hornbil,etc. Arrived in Palu airport then drive about 3 hours to Lore Lindu National Park for a 2 nights stay. On Sept 10th, the group return to Palu for overnight before departure to Manado via Makassar. 11th Sept Dept to Manado then continue drive to Dumoga Bone for the Maleo. In Dumoga Bone stay for a 3 nights before return to Manado then continue to Tangkoko. 17th Sept the group fly to Ternate by Garuda Indonesia airlines then continue to Sofifi by speed boat. Arrive in Sofifi then overnight in Losmen Wisata. The next day then continue to Subaim about 4 hours drive. Arrive in Subaim overnight in Wisma Kita Hotel The Wisma Kita the only one accommodation on Subaim village. The 3 nights stay for birding on Foli for a wallacean standardwing and also the group birding on Gunung Uniuni. Sept 20th the group return to Sofifi then overnight in Bolote Hotel before going to Ternate. In Ternate the group also visiting the Tolire lake about 35 minutes from the Bela International Hotel. Sept 22nd the group fly to Manado then birding on Gunung Mahawu. The group overnight in Novotel Hotel Star 5 hotel in Manado. All clients depature on Sept 23rd from Manado to their next destination.

Tour Period : 25 - 29 July 2016
Participants : 3 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris and Adri Boka
Office Escort : Fuad Pungky

This is trip come from my partner in Makassar Amy Tours. The Clients from England, the group of Susan Fox. The trip was going to Besoa Valley for visit the Megalith Stones (Cilindrycal stone vat) called Kalamba in Pokekea where the area you can see megalth many types. After 2 days on Besoa valley then drive about 5 hours to Gimpu village (still the Lore Lindu NP area) overnight at local accommodation. The next days then trekking to Moa village about 6 hours trekk while birding on the way. The group overnight at Agus Homestay in small village in the jungle called the Moa village. The next day trekking about 5 hours to the village of Tuare, the picturesque village where you can see the traditional house of Lore called Tambi, rice field, local people of Bada. Bada is the sub dialect of Lore tribe who staying in Lore Lindu National Park.Megalith tours and trekking in Bada valley starting from Tuare village, Kageroa village and Badangkaia. In Badangkaiya can be seen the Buffalo stone statue mean while in Lengkeka also found the Monkey stone statue. They overnight in Tuare village. The next day the group drive to Siuri Cottage where located in bank of Poso Lake.

Birding Period : 26 June - 2 July 2016
Participants : 4 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris and Sam Ungke
Office Escort : Darwin Sumang

This is a short birding tours for Sulawesi with the itinerary 26 to 28 in Lore lindu National park, 29 June from Lore Lindu then take an afternoon flight by Lion Air to Makassar Airport transit then continue flight to Manado by Lion Air. So 29 June  to 2 July Birding on Tangkoko Nature Reserve. The participants: Adam Riley of Rockjumper Birding Tours, Steffen Marsha, David Semler and Eric Pozzo. Eric Pozzo just doing the birding on Lore Lindu Only.

Birding Period : 30 January - 15 February, 2016
Participants : 5 Pax + 1 Tour Leader
Local Guide : Idris Tinulele for Karaenta and Lore Lindu Part, Hendry Palamia for Dumoga Bone NP, Tangkoko Nature Reserve and Halmahera
Office Escort : Adri  F. Boka,
Tour Leader : Thomas W. Johansen.

The participants: Thomas W. Johansen as a Tour Leader, Klaus Nielsen, Freddy Jorgensen, Mads Smedman, Poul Jorgensen, and Skov Soren. This tours starting point in Makassar, VIT Team was meet them in the airport of Makassar then transfer to the newest hotel near the airport in Makassar (Grand City Hotel) on January 30th, 2016. The hotel was comfortable for the birders. We have dinner together the group in the night and the next day 31 January 2016 flew to Palu about 1 hour flight. The group stay on Lore Lindu until 3 February then return to Palu and overnight at Sutan Raja Hotel. On February 4th the group flew to Manado transit in small airport of Luwuk then continue to Manado. Adri Boka as an office escort to connect to other VIT Teams in Manado, Albert and his wife Anne was waiting in the Manado airport. Once the group arrived in Manado then drive to Kotamobagu town and stay at Senator Resort. The Senator Resort Hotel is the accommodation of the group. The group visited Tambun Nature Reserve for the target birds is Maleo. After a few day here then continue to Tangkoko Nature Reserve before flight to Halmahera. On Feb 9th the group flight to Ternate then continue to Halmahera island for the wallacean standardwing as target bird to see. The group overnight at wisma Kita Subaim  After a few days on Halmahera then return to Ternate for 4 person only but Thomas and Poul continue to Weda Resort for another birding site until 17 of Feb 2016 meanwhile the other 4 person flght to manado 14 Feb 2016. Thomas and Poul return to Manado 18 Feb 2016.

Birding Period : 1 January 2016
Participants : 2 pax
Local Guide : Kt. Wahyudi
Office Escort : I Nyoman Begeh

Mr Gaetan and his wife Christine from Canada take 1 day birding on Bali on January 1st, 2016. A professional Bird guide Kt. Wahyudi met them in the Benoa Cruise Harbour at 07h00. They do birding on Tanah Lot forest, Sarangan Island and the Kedaton Forest.

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