Birding Period : July 13th , 2018 to August 2nd, 2018
Participants : Dutch Group 3 Pax: Hans Westerlaken, Hugo Moermann and Davy Van Der Spoel
VIT’s Local Bird guide for Sulawesi : Stallin Muldaur, For Halmahera : Bahar Hamanur
Office Escort : Roy Davianto Adam (Makassar) and Ranny Iriani Tumundo on Halmahera.

This birding tours start from Makassar on July 13th, 2018. The clients are overnight in Dalton Hotel Makassar. The next days, 15 July, birding on the Rammang-Rammang river, take a 20 minutes by boat to the birding site. Fullday birding and then continue night birding around Rammang-rammang. On July 16th, morning drive to Karaenta about 1,5 hours. The species on Karaenta is black-wringed White Eye, Sulawesi hornbill, red-knobbed hornbill, piping crow, etc.  At midday flight to Palu by Garuda about 1 hour then continue drive to Lore Lindu National Park about 3 hours. Short stop for birding on the way. Arrive in Lore Lindu NP then transfer to National Lodge in Wuasa Village. On July 20th then return to Palu then overnight in Sutan Raja Hotel Palu. The next day fly to Manado by Lion Air. Arrive in Manado then continue to Kotamobagu for about 5 hours drive. In Kota Mobagu the clients overnight in Sutan Raja Kotamobagu. The next day July 22nd drive to Tambun Nature Reserve for the Macrocephalon Maleo the endemics of Sulawesi. July 23rd also still the same birding site area to Molibagu road and Torout forest. On July 24 then return to Manado then continue to Tomohon for birding on Gunung Mahawu for the scally-breasted kingfisher Overnight at Jhoannie Hotel Tomohon. The next day drive to Tangkoko Nature Reserve until July 27th. On July 28 then flight to Buli, the Halmahera island for the target the wallacean standardwings.Overnight in Wisma Kita Subaim, the village where we can access Foli forest about 45 minutes. On August 1st, return to Ternate Island about 3 hours drive from Subaim. The next day on August 2nd, final depature.

Tour Period : 9 July to August 18, 2018
Participants : 6 pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Nimbokrang Papua Mr Alex Waisimon and Maurits Kafiar on Raja Ampat
Office Rscorts : Bahar Hamanur and Ranny Iriani Tumundo

On July 9th, by TG435 landing on Cengkareng International airport, then by Garuda Indonesia Airlines from Jakarta flight to Jayapura. The honorable clients led by Mr Pongpol other 5 pax: Mr Rayvat Nipatakosolsuk, Mr Montri Sriopas, Mr Kongsak Sumano, Mr Kamol Wongrattanapasson, and Mr Paisan Chareoncharutkun. The tours starts on July 10th in Jayapura meanwhile Mr Maurits and driver Mr Jamal are waiting in Sentani airport Jayapura. Bahar Hamanur as an office escort flew together the group from Jakarta to Jayapura. The trip started in Nimbokrang forest and surrounding. The trip until 13 July in Nimbokrang then flew to Sorong on July 14th then overnight at Swisbel Sorong. The next day by exclusive ferry to Waigeo island and overnight on Putras Resort. On July 18 flight to Jakarta and overnight at Orchardz Hotel near the airport in Jakarta.

Birding Period : June 15th , 2018 to June 25th , 2018
Participants : 3Pax: Gerald Keith Richard, Christopher Gladwin and David Arthur Stewart
VIT’s Local Bird guide : Idris Tinulele
Office Escort : Idris Tinulele

This birding tours start from manado airport on June 15, 2018 then drive to Dumoga Bone National Park. Overnight at Singsingon village. The major point to visit this birding sites is just want to see the matinan flycatcher. Yes, of course the next day then Idris can recognize this bird. After visiting Dumoga Bone NP then proceed to leave to Tangkoko Natire Reserve. On June 15 then flight to Palu. Arrive in Palu then overnight at The Sya Hotel not so far from the airport. The next day on June 20th then drive to Lore Lindu NP about almost 3 hours drive then overnight at National Lodge which is located at Wuasa Village. The birding sites in Lore Lindu National Park such as Tambing Lake, Sedoa, and Anaso Trekk about 6 kms climbing up the Rorekatimbo Mt elevation about 3,610 m above sea level. On June 25th they flew out from Palu.

Dumoga and Tangkoko
Silver tipped imperial pigeon E
S black pigeon E
S roller E
Matinan Flycather E
Gray check green pigeon
White eye spangle drongo
Black front white eye E
Black nape friut dove
Lilac kingfisher E
Grosbeak myna E
Shooty headed bulbul
Bay coucal NF
Pigmy woodpecker E
Sulawesi babbler E
Spot tailed ghoshawk E
Green back kingfisher E
White neck myna E
Tarcius Spectrum
Bear cuscus
Ashy woodpecker E
Pale blue monarch E
Orchi bellied boobook E
S hawkeagle E
Vinous breasted sparrowhawk E
Black bill coel E
Yellow bill malkoha E
Blue back parrot
Red back trush E
Grey streak flycatcher
S hanging parrot
Black naped oriole
S triller
S crow
White rumped cuckooshrike
Pigmy hangin parrot
S hornbill
Redknop hornbill
S cicadabird
Blue tail bee eater
Grey sided flowerpecker
Savana nightjar
Asian emerald dove
Lore Lindu
Citrine canary flowerpecker
Yellow sided flowerpecker
Little pied flowerpecker
Mountain white eye
Crimson crown flowerpeker
Rusty bellied fantail
Streak head dark eye
Yellow vented wishtler
S leaf wabbler
Torquiese flycather
A myzomela
Yellow mantle rocket tail
S brush cuckoo
Lesser honeyeater
Yellow wagtail
Fiery browed starling/myna
Black eagle
S cuckoodove
Cinnabar boobook
Lesser coucal
S sarpent eagle
Indonesian kestrel
Cerulien cuckooshrike
S cicadabird
S crested myna
Red ear fruit dove
S pigmy cuckooshrike
Red ear fruit dove
Bush chat
Purple heron
Purple swamphen
Javan pond heron

Birding Period : February 25th , 2018 to March 10, 2018
Participants : 2 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Bahar Hamanur and Charles Roring
Office Escort : Bahar Hamanur, Vit Partner in Papua : Rani Tumundo, Charles Roring and Mauritz Kafiar

The trip of Sulawesi part 1 you can read here

February 25th, 2018

The second time to Sulawesi visited Lake Lindu is still the area of Lore Lindu National park. Roland Duerig came from Jakarta by Garuda GA608 arrived at Mutiara airport Sis-Aldjufrie at 15:15 then met by Bahar and Fuad pungki then they drive to National Lodge.

February 26th, to March 1st, 2018

Morning drive to Sidaunta village about 3 hours then birding through the main trail Sidaunta to Puroo Village where situated on the bank of lindu Lake as long as 17 kms by hiking and also continue drive by motor bike. Ind Lindu lake birding by boat

March 2nd, 2018

Bahar (office escort of VIT), Roland and Ms. Nongnapat arrived at Rendani airport of Manokwari city by Garuda on flight number 690 at 10.10. The weather was very good. We had a clear blue sky with warm sunlight. Arriving at the main building of the airport, they still had to wait for their luggage to come out of the carousel. I (Charles Roring) met them at the exit door of the arrival terminal. We had a short introduction to one another and then began loading bags into the 4WD pick-up car that would bring us to Arfak mountains. We still could not leave the airport. Roland and Bahar told me that they needed a "cigarette stop" (they like smoking). After that I told the driver to park the car outside the drop zone to allow other cars to pick up other passengers.    A few minutes later, we were ready to go. Now, with everybody was in the car, we left the parking area of the airport for Arfak mountains. Our driver was Oscar. We would spend 4 days hiking and birdwatching in the tropical rainforest of this bird's head region of West Papua to see several species of birds of paradise and other birds such as Vogelkop Bowerbird, Green-backed Robin and Feline Owlet nightjar and etc. First, we headed to Arfai area where we stopped for a while to buy some bottles of mineral water, soft drinks, biscuits and some packs of cigarettes. Ms. Nongnapat saw a street food vendor was trying to sell her a bowl of bakso. She was interested in the food and ordered one bowl. Bakso is meat ball noodle soup which has become a very popular snack in Indonesia.  Her name was Riana, to our surprise, she spoke English quite well. Riana told me that she used to work in a hotel in Bali, that's why she could communicate in this international language. Riana gave the bakso that she had put inside a small plastic bag with very spicy tomato and chilli sauce to Ms. Nongnapat and received some money in return.

It was actually another cigarette stop for Roland and Bahar. Oscar joined them. Bahar took out a pack of White Marlboro and shared with them. So, we still had to wait for two or three minutes before leaving again.

When Oscar turned on the car engine, we knew that we would continue our trip again. This time, Oscar drived faster. It took approximately 2 hours to reach our destination. The road to Arfak mountains were very steep, muddy, slippery and nearly fifty percent of its length were damaged or in bad condition. There were some parts of the road that had been carved by fast flowing rain water and flooded river. Construction workers in their excavators, buldozers, and trucks were seen busy repairing, flattening, widening the road. Fortunately, our driver was an experienced one. The 4wd car was powerful and also in good condition. Our car stopped at the entrance path of Kwau guesthouse located at the foot of Mount Soyti of Arfak mountains at approximately 14.00 local time. We were quite late because we made several stops to buy more fruits, and for Roland, Bahar, and Oscar to enjoy another "cigarette stop" to each of them.

Local villagers who followed us during the trip helped us unloading our bags and food materials and carried them to the guesthouse. I immediately gave the raw food materials to women in the kitchen to prepare our lunch. Because it would take around one and a half hour to make it ready, I decided to organize a short birding trip for Roland, Nongnapat and Bahar. Hans, our local guide, accompanied them to the blind of Vogelkop Bowerbird (Amblyornis inornatus). It was approximately a 10-minute walk from our guestwalk. I stayed at the kitchen to help the mothers prepare hot water and lunch.

One and a half hours later Bahar, Roland, and Nongnaphat returned to the guesthouse. They successfully saw the male Vogelkop Bowerbird. He landed on his bower several times arranging flowers, fixing and installing new dry stick for the roof of his bower and putting small shiny insect that looked like a tiny ball.

After lunch, it rained, so we did not go out. At the front-yard of the guesthouse, we saw Yellow-legged Flycatcher.

Nongnaphat took a rest earlier. I, Bahar and Roland stood at the rear balconies of our bedrooms to watch birds that like to play among the leaves and branches of the trees or eat nectar of the flowers at the backyard garden. During that easy birding session, we were able to watch Black Fantail (Rhipidura atra), Golden Face (Pachycare flavogriseum) which was very beautiful, Blue-grey Robin (Peneothello cyanus), Spectacled Longbill (Oedistoma iliolophus), and Yellow-legged Flycatcher (Kempiella griseoceps). At around 16.30 local time fog started to cover the forest and soon rain fell again. I told Bahar, and Roland to take a rest because they had woken up early at 03.00 in Makassar before taking their morning flight to Manokwari.

Our dinner was fish that was cooked with tomato and chilli sauce, tempe in sweet soy sauce, sawi vegetables and fried scrambled eggs. All of us returned to our bedrooms and slept early at around 08.00.

March 3rd, 2018

We woke up at 05.00. It was still dark outside. I had asked local villagers to prepare  hot water for making tea or coffee, and fried banana. We also had for our breakfast: some biscuits, riped banana fruits and rambutan, bread and peanut jam. At around 5.40, we started walking from the guesthouse. I was at the front to show the path, followed by Roland, Nongnaphat, Bahar and our porter - Daniel. He was a student who was still studying in the Univ. of Papua. We had to walk up very steep slopes of Mount Soyti for approximately 30 minutes. We reached the blind (the birding hut) which was located at 1,500 meters above sea level. I turned on my torch and entered it to check the bench and the interior. After confirming that the blind was clean and safe, I let Roland, Nongnaphat and Bahar entered it. That's the dancing ground of Western Parotia (Parotia sefilata). I and Daniel walked back to the guesthouse again.

They watched the birds for approximately one and a half hours. As a matter of fact, it was not the mating season of Western Parotia. To increase the chance for the birds to show up at the birdwatching site, we put Red Pandanus fruit near but outside the dancing ground. As a result, Bahar, Roland and Nongnaphat were able to see female Western Parotia, and female Black Sicklebill (Epimachus fastosus). Miss Nongnaphat (who was from Thailand) could even make a short film of a mother Black Sicklebill feeding her juvenile  daughter. Roland and Bahar even said that they saw a big green bird landed on the ground but then flew away quickly. I guessed it was a Black-eared Catbird. At approximately 07.30, it began to rain again. I immediately took a raincoat and walked up the slope to pick them up. I only had one raincoat. I lent it to Mis Nongnaphat and took her camera which she had put into a transparent plastic sheath. We slowly walked back to guesthouse again. Arriving at the guesthouse, located at 1,300 meters above sea level, everybody headed to the dining room for some hot tea and coffee. They shared their stories of their morning birds and I helped them identify the birds from pictures which they showed from the screens of their cameras. We used field guide book: Birds of New Guinea written by Bruce Beehler and Thane K. Pratt. After having hot tea and coffee and a lot of interesting discussion about birds, they returned to their bedrooms again. Outdoor temperature was approximately 20 degrees Celcius. It was still raining at 09.20.

Bahar just reported that he saw a Sclater's Whistler (Pacychepala soror) at the backyard garden of the guesthouse). Roland was able to take picture of Grey-green Scrubwren (Sericornis arfakianus) before lunch. There were a lot of Taenaris schoenbergi kenricki butterflies.

Bahar, Roland and Nongnaphat did another attempt to watch Western Parotia starting from 14.00 to 17.00. This time, they were able to watch the male Western Parotia besides the female birds which they had seen in the morning. I saw 3 Papuan Mountain Pigeons (Gymnophaps albertisii), and a pair of Plum-faced Lorikeet (Oreopsittacus arfaki) flying over our guesthouse.

Our dinner was served at 18.30 local time. Rice, sweet potato, canned tuna cooked with tomato sauce, and pakcoy were the main ingredients of the food. After dinner, I and Hans gave short briefing about tomorrow's birding plan. At 20.00 local time, everybody returned to his or her bedroom.

March 4th, 2018

This morning we woke up at 04.30 and had coffee and tea with some fried banana. We planned to leave for the birding ground of Magnificent Bird of Paradise at 05.00. Unfortunately, when we were about to leave our guesthouse, it started to rain. So, I decided to postpone our departure for 1 hour. When the rain stopped, finally, we could leave. The sky was already bright and our surroundings were filled by the sounds of morning birds. We walked down the slope behind our guesthouse, crossed a small stream and then up some slopes, and then down again to the birdwatching site. When we arrived, it was 07.15 already. I saw a male Magnificent Bird of Paradise flying away from the red fruit that Hans had put in front of the birding hut. I entered the blind and checked its interior condition using my small torch. It was dry enough and clean. So, I asked Roland, Nongnapat, and Bahar to enter it.  I and our local porter - Daniel left them and waited for them at the house of Hans - located approximately 300 meter away from the birding site.

While we were waiting for them at Han's house, we saw a Golden Face (Pachycare flavogriserum). I gave my camera to Daniel. He could take a picture of Black-winged Monarch (Monarcha frater). With my binoculars, I could watch  Grey-green Scrubwren (Sericornis arfakianus), and Black Fantail (Rhipidura atra). That morning, in the blind, Bahar, Roland and Nongnapat could watch two male and one female Magnificent Birds of Paradise (Diphyllodes magnificus), one Black-eared Catbird (Ailuroedus melanotis) and one Sclater's Whistler (Pachycephala soror). Roland and Nongnapat could make a lot of beautiful pictures of these colorful birds. At approximately 10.30, we walked slowly back to the guesthouse again using a different route. Lunch was served at 12.30. Because, we woke up early that morning, we felt sleepy and exhausted. We decided to sleep for a while. Before going to my bedroom, I asked Hans, our local guide, to find Feline Owlet Nightjar and Mountain Owlet-nightjar. It took nearly two hours for him to bring me good news. He could only find the Feline one. I immediately woke everyone up and told them if they wanted to see the bird. Twenty minutes later, Bahar, Roland and Nongnapat met me and Hans and Daniel outside the dining room. We walked slowly up the steep slope in front of our guesthouse, crossed the road and up the steep slope of Mount Soyti to the place where the Feline Owlet-nightjar had been found sleeping. It was quite difficult to reach the site - very steep, and slippery. He was sleeping on the branch of a small tree with some small branches and green leaves around him. One by one, Roland, Nongnapat, Bahar and Daniel took turn in shooting the bird. They had to maintain a safe distance during the picture taking session to disturbing the bird. One side of the bird's face was covered by a leaf making it even more difficult to take picture of his face and eyes.

After taking pictures of the Feline Owlet-Nightjar, we walked down the slope of Mount Soyti and do and easy birding walk along the road side of Mokwam region. We were quite happy to see a female Grey-Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea), Black Fantail,  and Yellow-billed Lorikeet (Neopsittacus musschenbroekii). I could hear the calls of Vogelkop m

Melidectes but was not able to see it. Arfak range was rainy season in March. It was quite cold in the mornings and evenings. Rain and fog often covered the rainforest. Besides birds, we were able to see Male and Female Ornithoptera titonus butterflies in the flower garden of our guesthouse that day. They were birdwing butterflies that had got beautiful colors.

When it started to rain again, we returned to our guesthouse. Our dinner that night was smoked fish cooked with chilli and tomatoes, and vegetables.

March 5th  2018

This morning we woke up later than usual at 05.30. Our plan was to return to the dancing ground of Western Parotia hoping to see male Western Parotia performs his courtship dance. After eating hot vegetable-noodle soup and some tea, we left the guesthouse. Along the path to the birding site, we could hear the sounds of Vogelkop Melidectes (Melidectes leucostephes) and Sclater' Whistler as well as Black-eared Catbird. Twenty minutes later, we reached the path that led us to blind. I asked Hans and Daniel to accompany Bahar, Roland, and Nongnapat to the blind. I waited at the main path. Several minutes later, I, Hans, and Daniel returned to the guesthouse. Hans saw Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla t. tschutschensis). We saw several pairs of Black Fantail (Rhipidura atra) flying and landing on the branches of shrub plants that grow around the frontyard of the guesthouse. I also saw a small bird - Green-backed Gerrygone.

After watching Western Parotia, we went birding along the road again where we Ms. Nongnapat successfully shot Vogelkop Melidectes and Friendly Fantail (Rhipidura albolimbata). I saw Western Smoky Honeyeater (Melipotes gymnops) flying fast crossing the road above our heads. On the way back to our guesthouse, we saw Grey Wagtail flying low away from us along the roadside.

After lunch, while waiting for the car to take us back to Manokwari city, we continued birding from the balconies of our bedrooms. We saw Western Smoky Honeyeater, and Mountain Fruit-Dove (Ptilinopus bellus).

At 14.00 our car arrived. I, Bahar, Hans, and Daniel started to load Roland's and Nongnapat's and our bags into the car. We left Arfak mountains fifteen minutes later. The weather was clear and we were able to see the beautiful tropical rainforest, villages and local people on both sides of the road. Our car arrived at Swissbelhotel Manokwari  at 17.00. We were exhausted but very happy because our guests could watch several species of birds of paradise and other endemic birds of Arfak mountains.

March 6th, 2018 – March 9th, 2018

Fly from Manokwari to Sorong by Wings Air then met Rani, the Chief of Tourist Association Raja Ampat rehency, West Papua then direct to harbor for ferry to Waigeo Island. They birding on Raja Ampat. Overnight at Putras Resort, one of the best birding accommodations in Raja Ampat. Afternoon of March 9th then return to Sorong and overnight in Swissbel Sorong.

March 10th : Final Departure to Jakarta by Bati Air the group of Lion Air

Birds Seen during the trip, provided by Bahar as follows: Vogelkop bowerbird, Magnificent bird of paradise, Westren parotia, Cat bird, Brown fantail, Wabler/babbler, Flycathers, Yellow oriole, Brush cuckoo, Beach kingfisher, Yellow face myna, Eclectus parrot, Helmeted friarbird, Pinnong imperial pigeion, B cuckooshrike, Surplur crested cockatoo, Hooded buctadbird, hooded pitta, Palm cockatoo, Wistling kite, Wilson bird of paradise,Dusky scrubfowl, Hook billed kingfisher, Grey whistler, blue grey robbin, Red bird of paradise, Marble frogmouth, Grey monarch, Golden monarch, F.monarch, Beatiful fruit dove, Dwarf longbill, Pigmy longbill, Hooded butcherbird, Mollucan king parrot, Olive crowned flowerpecker, Puff backed meliphaga, Blyth's hornbill, Yellow billed kingfisher, Glossy manucode, Rufous bellied kookubara, Black naped lorry

Birding Period : February 14 to 25, 2018
Participants : 12 Pax + 1 Tour Leader
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris Tinulele in Lore Lindu and  Tangkoko, Bahar Hamanur on Halmahera and Elan on Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
Office Escort : Ali Munthaha and Darwin Sumang


Sulawesi and Halmahera Lintumatka

Mr. Hannu Klemola
Mr Pösö Hannu,
Mr Järvinen Antero
Mrs  Järvinen Leena
Mr Multanen Veli-Matti
Mrs Naski-Multanen Eeva Margareetta
Mrs Virtanen Marketta
Ms Granroth Tuula
Ms  Kilpeläinen Sisko
Mr Reunala Timo
Mr Soini Matti
Mr Virtanen Heikki


Sulawesi and Halmahera is one of the most popular Birding Tours in Indonesia since 1997. So many endemics of avifauna, flora and Fauna spread over the Sulawesi and Halmahera islands. The Vacation Indonesia Tours and the Vit’s Team such as (Royke Davianto Adam, Mr Ali Munthaha, Nurlin Djuni, Bahar Hamanur, Idris Tinulele, Fuad Pungky, Albert and Anne, in Jakarta Kristin Munthaha and Abi Munthaha, Tjipto and Arif Hidayat) are trusted by the Oy Kontiki Tours in Helsinki-Finland to arrange and organized this trip in Sulawesi and Halmahera for 12 days must be appreciated and yes, this trip was successfully done, every body are happy. This because of the hardwork of the team as long as 12 days.

The trip began in Jakarta on February 14th, meet up in the Cengkareng International Airport of Jakarta then drive to Orchardz Bandara Hotel for overnight. The next day then fly to Palu for another 2,5 hours flight by Lion Air JT720 arrived in Palu, Central of Sulawesi directly drive to Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah as the Government Tourism Office and welcomed by Mr Darmoli Daepatola as the Office Secretary meanwhile a traditional welcoming  dance called Peulu Cinde begin to dancing following by a rhytem of the gong and Kakula, similar to Marimba.  After enjoying a welcoming traditional dance then a group of bamboo orchestra called Musik Bambu also entertained to the 12 Finnish tourists at that time.

The trip was continued to Oloboju village for having a short birding  to see the potensial lowland forest birds such as savannah night jars, Lemonbellied white eye, White shouldered thriller, pale headed munia, scally breated munia, Chesnut munia, spotted dove, blue tailed bee eater, etc then after a short birding then drive to Kalukubula village  for lunch.  After lunch then continue drive to Wuasa village and overnight in National Lodge, the new and friend staff were ready to serve the guest. The staff  such as Ria and Rio.

The group stay and birding in Lore Lindu National park for 3 nights then return to Palu 18 February and stay in Sutan Raja Hotel, the next day fly to Manado by Lion Air. Arrive in manado then directly to Gunung Mahawu Nature Reserve. Afternoon then continued to Tangkoko Nature Reserve and overnight in Tangkoko Lodge for the 3 nights.

On February 21 the group fly to Buli Airport (IATA code WUB) on Eastern Of Halmahera Island , from Manado by Wings Air Flight No IW1170 transit on Sultan Baabullah the airport of Ternate  about 20 minutes(Pasengers stay on board. Arrived in Buli Airport at 14.45 local time. In Buli time is 1 hour faster than in Manado time.

The highlights is a Wallacean Standardwings  and Purple Dollarbird were seen well by entirely the group.

On February 24 fly to Jakarta by Garuda Indonesia Airlines, arrived at 09.25 then continue to Cibodas at the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, the next day then return to Jakarta for their flight home to Helsinki Finland. Good Bye and See you next time in Indonesia.

Birding Period : February 03rd to February 09th, 2018
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Bahar Hamanur, Idris Tinulele
Office Escort : Bahar Hamanur
Participants : 2Pax ( Mr Roland Duerig and Nongnapat)

Bahar met them in the airport Samratulangi the airport of Manado on February 3rd then drive directly to Tangkoko Nature Reserve. The birds was seen in Tangkoko Nature Reserve and Lore Lindu National park as follows:

4/2/18 tangkoko
Silver tipped imperial pigeon E
S black pigeon E
S roller E
Gray check green pigeon
White eye spangle drongo
Black front white eye E
Black nape friut dove
Lilac kingfisher E
Grosbeak myna E
Shooty headed bulbul
Bay coucal NF
Pigmy woodpecker E
Sulawesi babbler E
Spot tailed ghoshawk E
Green back kingfisher E
White neck myna E
Tarcius Spectrum
Bear cuscus
Ashy woodpecker E
Pale blue monarch E
Orchi bellied boobook E
S hawkeagle E
Vinous breasted sparrowhawk E
Black bill coel E
Yellow bill malkoha E
Blue back parrot
Red back trush E

5/2/18 Tomboan
Grey streak flycatcher
S hanging parrot
Black naped oriole
S triller
S crow
White rumped cuckooshrike
Pigmy hangin parrot
S hornbill
Redknop hornbill
S cicadabird

6/2/18 Olobuju
Blue tail bee eater
Grey sided flowerpecker
Savana nightjar
Asian emerald dove

7/2/18 Lore Lindu
Citrine canary flowerpecker
Yellow sided flowerpecker
Little pied flowerpecker
Mountain white eye
Crimson crown flowerpeker
Rusty bellied fantail
Streak head dark eye
Yellow vented wishtler
S leaf wabbler
Torquiese flycather
A myzomela
Yellow mantle rocket tail
S brush cuckoo
Lesser honeyeater
Yellow wagtail
Fiery browed starling/myna
Black eagle
S cuckoodove
Cinnabar boobook

8/2/18 Lore Lindu
Lesser coucal
S sarpent eagle
Indonesian kestrel
Cerulien cuckooshrike
S cicadabird
S crested myna
Red ear fruit dove
S pigmy cuckooshrike
Red ear fruit dove
Bush chat
Purple heron
Purple swamphen
Javan pond heron

On February 6 then flying to Palu by Lion Air then continue drive to another 2,5 hours to Wuasa village and overnight at National Homestay. On February 9th the trip was end in Prince John Dive Resort, Tanjung Karang, Donggala about 1 hour drive from Palu.

Birding Period : October 17 to 22 October 2017
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris Tinulele
Office Escort : Omar
Participants : 2Pax (Mr Tom Schandy and Mr Svein Dale) Norway

The trip starting on October 17th, Darwin Sumang and Heru Prasetyawan met them in the Mutiara Sis Aldjufrie the airport of Palu then transfer to Sutan Raja Hotel for overnight. The next day 18 October, leaving for Lore Lindu National Park then stop in Oloboju birding site for seeing the lowland birds species such as whilte shouldered thriller, pale headed munia, lemon bellied white eye, savanah night jars, spotted dove,blue tailed bee eater, olive - backed sunbird, chestnut munia, scally - breasted munia, colared kingfisher, Sulawesi serpant eagle, then continue drive to another 4 hours to Lore Lindu National Park Arrive in Lore Lindu then transfer to Penginapan Nasional. On October 19 & 20 birding and bird photography around Dongi dongi, Danau Tambing, Padaeha birding roadside and also to Anaso track for the highland bird species such as the endemic one satanic night jar, purple-bearded bee eater, Hylocetrea, Sulawsi Helia, Sulawesi babbler, Sulawesi flycatcher, Sulawesi Cocoo dove, Sulawesi blue flycatcher, blue-fronted flycatcher, Sulawesi hawk-eagle, yellow bellied Malkoha, etc. On October 21 they birding on Pokekea Megalith Site while seeing amazing megalith estimated by scientist this megalith created about 5000 BC. After seeing this megalith then proceed to drive back to Palu and overnight at Santika Hotel. The next day October 22 then they flew to Manado via Makassar.

Birding Period : September 09 to 22 September 2017
Participants : 8 Pax + 1 Tour Leader
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Hendry Palamia
Office Escort : Bahar Hamanur

Rockjumper Bird Leader : David Erterius. Clients 8 pax : Lynn Glesne, Rachel Lawson, Susan Lycett, Peter Osenton, Richard Hetrick, Annelie Urlanda, Brent Beach and Warwick Remington,

Wallacean Endemics Birdwatching Tours starting from Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province. All clients arrived in palu then overnight at Sutan Raja Hotel, Star 4 Hotel in Palu, just 10 minutes from the Mutiara Sisaljufrie Airport of Palu. Starting to Lore Lindu National park on Sept 9 at 2pm. The group do a birding road side on the way to Napu valley. Arrive in Napu valley overnight at new accommodation called Penginapan Nasional. September 12 the group return to Palu and transfer to Sutan Raja Hotel Palu. The next day Sept 13th, the group flight to Manado by Lion Air via Makassar then continue drive to about 4 hours to Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park. The group overnight in Sutan Raja Hotel Kotamobagu Star 4 hotel. From this hotel the birding activities begin especially to Tambun the maleo sites about 2 hours drive. Tapakolintang Birding Site, Torout Birding Site. September 16 the group return to Manado then continue to Tomohon for birding on Mahawu. After birding on Manahawu then continue drive to Tangkoko Nature Reserve. Afternoon birding in Tangkoko included to see the tarsiers on Tangkoko forest.

Septemebr 18th the group proceed to Manado for the flight to Buli Airport on Halmahera island. Arrive on Halmahera then drive to Subaim Village while birding on Gunung Uni-Uni for seeing the Molucan Owlet Nightjar and Molucan scope owls. September 19th the group birding on Foli forest for seeing the Wallacean standardwings. September 20th again Gunung Uniuni and surrounding site. September 21 drive to Sofifi then by ferry to Ternate. Arrived in ternate the goup overnight at Grand Dafam Bela Ternate except Mr Warwick Remington. He continue to Weda Resort for his own arrangement birding with Rob Sinke’s staff. Septemeber 22nd is the final departures. The two Trip Reports will coming soon, the trip August 23 to 7 Sept and the trip Sept 9 to 22, 2017.

Birding Period : August 23 to 7 September 2017
Participants : 8 Pax + 1 Tour Leader
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris Tinulele in Lore Lindu, Medot in Tangkoko, Ilham in Halmahera
Office Escort : Ali Munthaha

RBT Tour Leader : David Erterius. 8 pax Clients : Virginia Fairchild, Vernon Eales, Nancy Eales, Stephen Richards, Rob Rackliffe, David Klauber, Clive Ireland, Aradhana Rangachar

Eastern Indonesia is one of the best place to see birds in Asia. Eastern part of Indonesia such as Sulawesi, Molucass and Papua have so many colorful birds, singing and dancing. The trip began in Jakarta as the arrival point of the clients. The clients arrived in Jakarta began at August 20, 21 and 22. All clients overnight in Orchardz Hotel Jakarta just 15 minutes from the Cengkareng International Airport. Darwin Sumang and Ali Munthaha dinner together clients in Orchardz before flight to Palu by Garuda GA608 on August 23, 2017. The clients arrived in Palu then met by Rockjumper Tour Leader David Erterius then drive to another 3 hours to Lore Lindu National Park. The group overnight in Shendy Lodge. On August 26 return to palu then overnight at Sutan Raja Hotel. Aderiski Sarwenda or Wenda is a Sutan Raja Staff who speak English well. She doing a hotel reservations for VIT Tours so that the Check in for all clients are running smooth.

The next morning, 27 August, the group flight to Manado by Lion Air via Makassar. Arrived in Manado then transfer at Novotel Hotel, Star 5 hotel in Manado then continue birding on Mahawu. The next day, 28 August, the group fly to Buli on Halmahera Islands and stay at Wisma Kita Subaim Hotel for 3 nights. The group are birding on Foli forest (a part of Akejawa Lolobata National Park). The group birding on Foli for Wallacean Standardwings. On August 31 the group return to Manado and again overnight at Novotel Hotel in Manado. Sept 1 then flight to Sorong (West Papua). Arrived in Sorong then continue drive to Klasow Valley until the Sept 2nd return to Sorong and overnight in Swissbl Sorong. Sept 3rd then the group continue to Waigeo Island by Marina Express Ferry about 2 hours to Waisai, the capital town of Raja Ampat Regency. The group birding on Waigeo until 6 Sept. The sept 7 is the final departures.

Tour Period : 30 July to August 8, 2017
Participants : 6 pax
VIT’s Local Bird : Stallin Muldaur Sawuwu
Office Rscorts : Albert and Anne, Fuad

On July 30th, by Garuda Indonesia Airlines from Makassar landed on Jalaluddin airport of Gorontalo our honorable guest led by Mr Pongpol other 5 pax: Mr Rayvat Nipatakosolsuk, Mr Montri Sriopas, Mr Kongsak Sumano, Mr Kamol Wongrattanapasson, and Mr Chanin Thorut. The group directly drive to Paguyaman and continue to Nantu Nature Reserve. They stayed there for 2 nights then return to Gorontalo for the Wings Air flight to Manado on August 2nd then continue to Tangkoko Nature Reserve. The 4th of August then drive to Gunung Mahawu and Tonadano lake surrounding site. The August 5th they flew to Palu also by Wings Air then continue by car almost 3 hours drive to Lore Lindu National Park. The 7th of August return to Palu and stay for 2 nights. From Palu then they will visit Bali another photographic wildlife and cultures. The group have seen the Babiroussa, Hacky Macaca, Tarsier the smallest primate, birds, and other wildlifes.

Tour Period : 16 - 25 July 2017
Participants : 1 pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Idris
Office Escort : Bahar Hamanur

Ali Munthaha as a Vit’s Team who live in Jakarta met a participant, Johan Bergvist in the Cengkareng International airport of Jakarta then transfer to Orchardz Bandara Hotel just 15 minutes from the airport. The next day he flew to Palu by Lion Air and met by VIT’s Team in Mutiara Airport of Palu. Bahar Hamanur is an office escort, Idris Tinulele a professional bird Guide and Fuad Pungky met client at that morning of July 16th then drive to Lore Lindu National Park via Oloboju birding site. Arrived in Lore Lindu NP then transfer to Shendy lodge and stay for 3 days. They birding in Lore Lindu NP to Anaso track almost 9 kms hiking up the mountain and they saw the scally breasted kingfisher at Anaso. This is one of important bird sometime only seen at Danau Tambing, Gunung Ambang and recently in Mahawu Crater in the North of Sulawesi. Idris known this spot because he sometime to go hiking up on Anaso track just to check the important birds spot. They have seen many birds such as Satanic Night Jar, purple bearded bee eater, great shortwings, etc for more details you can contact Johan After a few day in Lore Lindu then return to Palu for his flight to Manado July 20th. Bahar Hamanur, Idris Tinulele and Johan flew to Manado via Makassar and met by another VIT’s team Albert and Anne in the Samratulangi the International Airport of Manadothen drive about 4 hours to Kotamobagu. The next day birding on Tambun Nature Reserve and see Macrocepallon Maleo one of the important Endemic bird on Sulawesi. They birding on Tambun Nature Reserve, Tapakolintang birding site, Toraut Birding Site and the next day to Gunung Ambang for the Matinan flycatcher. They drive back and return to to Manado at that day 23 July then continue drive to Tangkoko Nature reserve and stay until 25 July. In the afternoon 0f 25 July Johan continue his next destination to Lembeh Strait for his snorkeling and Diving.


Tour Period : April 18 - 25, 2017
Participants : 1 Pax
VIT’s Local Bird Guide : Tedi in Aceh and Hasri on Medan
Office Escort : Tedi

Yufal Ofek from US have a short visit Sumatera for birding and photography. Birding and photography in Ecosystem of Leuser included 2 provinces, North Sumatera and Aceh. Darwin Sumang met Yuval in the Kualanamo Airport of Medan on April 18th. After meeting Yuval then continue to Percut Waterbirds sites where you can find and seen so many the migrant waterbirds This place is the best place for bird photography.

At the Kualanamo International airport of Medan is a right place for your gate way to Indonesia especially for your birding and photography to Leuser Ecosystem included Banda Aceh and North of Sumatera. For Sumatera birding and photography tours can be accessed from Cengkareng The International airport of Tangerang-Banten near Jakarta for your birding trip to Way Kambas National Park and Kerinci Seblat National Park included Padang on West Sumatera.

On April 19th flew to Meulaboh. Tedi is a native of Padang but married in Aceh meet Yuval in the airport of Meulaboh. Birding and photography activities in Meulaboh forest, Kedah for searching the real wild orangutan, Black gibbon, white handed gibbon and orang utan. Birding and photography also to  Blangkejeren forest. Yuval have seen an orang utan, black gibbon and white handed gibbon at that time. Sumateran trogon, is the highlight. On April 25 flew back to Medan then continue flight to Singapore by Silk Air.

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